/* Javascript for The Fanatics Uses jQuery 1.3.1 */ function toggleYear(my_id){ my_id = 'year' + my_id; if(jQuery('#' + my_id).is(':visible')) jQuery('#' + my_id).hide(); else jQuery('#' + my_id).show(); }; $(function(){ main.init(); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $(".toggleYear").bind("click", function(event){ toggleYear($(this).text()); }); $("#add_to_mate_link").click(); }); var main = { init : function() { /* Global settings ============================================================ */ var settings = { slideDelay : 5000, galleryAreaElement: '#gallery .gallery_content', fanPhotoGalleryElement: 'body.live_coverage .fan_photos .fan_gallery' }; /* // do this on DOMReady: ============================================================ */ $.getScript("/new.scripts/jquery.idTabs.min.js", function(){ // functions that require idTabs go here $(".news_box ul.nav").idTabs(); }); // Scrollable items - add up/down scroll buttons $('div.items.scrollable').before(''); $('div.items.scrollable').after(''); // initialize scrollable $(".big_events div.scrollable").scrollable({ vertical:true, size: 6 }); // Photo gallery overlays $('.tour_photo_gallery, .member_profile .photos #thumbs, .tour_gallery, .photo_gallery#thumbs').each(function() { // only on photo gallery pages // create overlay content elements createGalleryOverlay(); // handle links under gallery thumbnails $('#thumbs h3 a').click(function() { $(this).parent().siblings('a.gallery-image').click(); return false; }); // create overlay instances $('#thumbs a.gallery-image').overlay({ target: '#gallery', expose: { color: '#f1f1f1', opacity: .4 } }).gallery({ autohide: false, speed: 800 }); }); // Add as a Mate overlay $('.member_profile').each(function() { // only on member profile page if (loggedIn) { // create overlay content elements createAddMateOverlay(this); // create overlay instance $(this).children('.add').children('a').overlay({ target: '#add_confirm', expose: { color: '#f1f1f1', opacity: .4 } }); } else { // create overlay content elements createLoginOverlay(this); // create overlay instance $(this).children('.add').children('a').overlay({ target: '#login', expose: { color: '#f1f1f1', opacity: .4 } }); } }); // init home page gallery if ($(settings.galleryAreaElement).length) { initArrows(settings.galleryAreaElement, true); fadePanelIn(settings.galleryAreaElement, true); } // init live coverage fan photo gallery if ($(settings.fanPhotoGalleryElement).length) { initArrows(settings.fanPhotoGalleryElement, false); fadePanelIn(settings.fanPhotoGalleryElement, false); } var currentFeatureIndex = 0; // set up edit profile picture switcher $('.edit_profile form .profile_picture a').click(function() { $('#upload_customer_profile_Thumbnail').show(); $(this).parents('.profile_picture').hide(); return false; }); // set up live coverage news rotator $("body.live_coverage .top_stories .slide_nav li:first").addClass("active"); $("body.live_coverage .top_stories .scrollable").each(function() { var root = $(this) .scrollable({ circular: true }) .autoscroll({ autoplay: true, interval: 8000 }) .navigator({ navi:'div.slide_nav ul' }); // provide scrollable API, pause autoscroll when clicked window.api = root.data("scrollable"); $("body.live_coverage .top_stories .slide_nav li a").click(function(){ api.stop(); }); }); // set up latest results more/less toggling /* $("body.live_coverage .results_list li.match").each(function(){ var container = this; $("h3", this).after("Show more"); $("a.toggle", this).click(function() { $(".match_detail", container).slideToggle("fast"); var toggleText = $(this).text(); if (toggleText.indexOf("more") != -1) { $(this).text(toggleText.replace("more","less")); } else { $(this).text(toggleText.replace("less","more")); } return false; }); }); */ /* // functions ============================================================ */ // initialise event update rotator setupNewsRotator("#tour_event_updates", ".slide", ".items li"); function setupNewsRotator(slideContainer, slideElements, newsItemElements) { if ($(slideContainer).length) { var containerObject = $(slideContainer); var slides = new Array(); containerObject.data("currentFrame", 1); slideRotation(slideContainer, slideElements, newsItemElements); } } function slideRotation(slideContainer, slideElements, newsItemElements) { delay = settings.slideDelay; var slides = $(slideElements, slideContainer); slides.eq($(slideContainer).data("currentFrame")-1).show(); var cycle = self.setInterval(function(){slideFadeIn(slideContainer, slideElements, newsItemElements)}, delay); return cycle; } function slideFadeIn(slideContainer, slideElements, newsItemElements) { var slides = $(slideElements, slideContainer); var frame = $(slideContainer).data("currentFrame"); var newsItemsList = $(newsItemElements, slideContainer); newsItemsList.children("div").removeClass("active"); newsItemsList.eq($(slideContainer).data("currentFrame")-1).children("div").addClass("active"); $(slides).eq(frame-1).fadeIn("slow").siblings(".slide").fadeOut("slow"); if (frame >= slides.length) { frame = 1; } else { frame++; } $(slideContainer).data("currentFrame", frame); } // homepage ajax photo gallery functions function galleryAjaxCall(galleryFeatureUrl, container, displayMode){ var galleryAjaxObject = $.ajax({ type : "GET", url : galleryFeatureUrl, error : function(xhr, desc, exceptionobj) { alert("There was an error loading this content"); }, success : function(data) { $(container).html(data); fadePanelIn(container, displayMode); } }); } function fadePanelIn(container, displayMode){ // displayMode is either true or false for "inline" or "block" (default is false) var galleryImage = $(container + " .image img"); if (displayMode == undefined) { displayMode = false } displayMode == false ? display = "block" : display = "inline"; // preload image first, once loaded, fade it in var img = new Image(); $(img).load(function () { $(this).hide(); galleryImage.replaceWith(this); if ($.browser.msie){ $(this).css({ "display" : display, // IE goes funny if you try to animate opacity... "visibility" : "visible" }); } else { $(this) .fadeIn("normal") .css({ "display" : display, // ...but the rest seem fine for animating opacity "visibility" : "visible" }); } }) .attr('src', galleryImage.get(0).src); } function initArrows(container, displayMode) { var galleryNavigation = $("
"); var rightArrow = $("") .addClass("button-right") .attr("title","Next photo") .click(function() { nextFeature(container, displayMode) }); var leftArrow = $("") .addClass("button-left") .attr("title","Previous photo") .click(function() { previousFeature(container, displayMode) }); leftArrow.appendTo(galleryNavigation); rightArrow.appendTo(galleryNavigation); galleryNavigation.insertAfter(container); } function nextFeature(container, displayMode) { $(settings.galleryAreaElement + " .image img", container).fadeOut("fast"); if (currentFeatureIndex < galleryUrls.length - 1) { currentFeatureIndex++; } else { currentFeatureIndex = 0; } galleryAjaxCall(galleryUrls[currentFeatureIndex], container, displayMode); } function previousFeature(container, displayMode) { $(settings.galleryFeatureAreaElement + " .image img", container).fadeOut("fast"); if (currentFeatureIndex > 0) { currentFeatureIndex--; } else { currentFeatureIndex = galleryUrls.length - 1; } galleryAjaxCall(galleryUrls[currentFeatureIndex], container, displayMode); } // create overlay elements - photo gallery overlays function createGalleryOverlay() { var galleryOverlay = $(''); var galleryPrev = $('Previous'); var galleryNext = $('Next'); var galleryInfo = $(''); var galleryProgress = $(''); galleryPrev.appendTo(galleryOverlay); galleryNext.appendTo(galleryOverlay); galleryInfo.appendTo(galleryOverlay); galleryProgress .attr('src','http://static.flowplayer.org/tools/img/overlay/loading.gif') .appendTo(galleryOverlay); galleryOverlay.insertAfter('#footer'); } // create overlay elements - Add Mate confirmation function createAddMateOverlay(container) { var memberName = $(container).children("h1").text(); // gets the name from the text within the h1 on the page var addOverlay = $(''); var addOverlayContent = $('Are you sure you want to send a request to ' + memberName + ' to become a Mate?
'); var addOverlayAction = $(''); var addOverlayConfirm = $('Add to Mates'); var addOverlayCancel = $('Cancel'); var friendRequestOverlayForm = $(''); addOverlayContentMsg.appendTo(addOverlayContent); friendRequestOverlayForm.appendTo(addOverlayAction); addOverlayConfirm.appendTo(addOverlayAction); addOverlayCancel.appendTo(addOverlayAction); addOverlayAction.appendTo(addOverlayContent); addOverlayContent.appendTo(addOverlay); addOverlay.insertAfter('#footer'); // set up cancel button behaviour $('#add_confirm .action .cancel').click(function() { $('#add_confirm .close').click(); return false; }); } // create overlay elements - Login function createLoginOverlay(container) { var loginOverlay = $(''); var loginOverlayContent = $(''); var loginOverlayForm = $(''); var loginOverlayFields = $(''); var loginOverlayInput1 = $(''); var loginOverlayInput2 = $(''); var loginOverlayAction = $('Don\'t have an account yet? Join now
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